A message from Green Plastic creator Jonathan:
I rarely check site visits and logs so I have no idea if anyone still visits this site. For those of you reading this, you may have noticed I have changed the look. I wish I could say that this was done out of some motivation to get things going again, but truth be told, the WordPress theme I was using no longer worked. So, I switched to the default theme*.

This site had a good run from 1997 to around 2012/13 when life got a bit too hectic for me. With the rise of social media and sites like Reddit, who foster communities and fans much better than I ever did, it felt like this site no longer served a purpose. So I stopped updating and it’s been sitting frozen ever since.

I periodically would think about updating, especially when Radiohead would release an album. The OK Computer mini disc hack earlier this year sent me into a spiral of nostalgia. I started this site in the months prior to OK Computer’s release and can still remember the excitement and build up. I even had thoughts of bringing the site back in some new form, but just as before, life got in the way.

So, as we begin a new decade, I wanted to start thinking about a new way of pumping some life back into this dormant place. I’m not interested in trying be a source for the latest Radiohead news. There are plenty of other places for that. But I would like to find some way to honor the history of this site while still being an active member and contributor to the Radiohead community.
If you have any suggestions, I’m open to hearing them. Please feel free to leave them in the comments.

Thank you to everyone that has ever visited this site.
*In updating the theme to a “modern” one, there are pages that are broken. Please bear with me as I attempt to fix.