Thom Yorke tour

News for June 21, 2000

New Song Played!

A new song was played last Monday night in Milan. The title is still unknown and was played only after Thom attempted to play “Killer Cars” acoustically for the second encore, but gave up in the middle because he forgot the words.

Tonight in Florence

That’s right, the boys take on Florence, Italy tonight after yesterday’s day off. More info about this show will be posted in the 2000 Tour Guide after the show.

Thom’s page is updated

Here’s the latest from Thom Yorke:

” dear whoever is reading this. PLEASE do the following if you agree with Jubilee 2000. the G7 have snaked their way out of most of the promises they made last year and this is the best way to shit them up for this years summit. the G7 in its apathy and ineffectual gesturing is now responsible directly for the deaths of millions of people this year. years of misguided economic policy and thinly veiled imperialism must be changed. (please refer to Jubilee2000 website for more info if you have not as yet been followed this message.)”