Screen capture of Green Plastic from August, 2000. This is the actual size, designed for 640x480 screen resolutions. Crazy.
Hi everyone. As you can see, this site has not been updated since July of 2012 and you may have been wondering if it was ever going to be updated again. At this point in time, after 16 years (!) of running this site, I haven’t had the time or resources to give it the love it deserves.
The world has changed a lot since I first started this site. Back in 1997, there was no social networking, no Twitter or Facebook. The “fansite” was really the only way for fans to get the information they wanted about their favorite bands. Today, people can get push notifications and immediate aggregated updates on anything they want from all sorts of sources. This leaves a site like a little less useful, especially when it’s not updated as frequently.
Green Plastic is not going anywhere and the site will remain online for a long time to come and I do hope to be able to return to posting regularly. In the meantime, you can visit our still active message board to interact with other fans.
I appreciate all the love and support over the years.
Radiohead have teamed up with actor Jude Law and Greenpeace to produce a short film (above) about a polar bear struggling to survive after being forced to leave its Arctic home. The band’s “Everything in its Right Place” is used as the soundtrack with Law providing the voiceover.
Greenpeace states that “oil companies are using melting sea ice to drill for more of the oil that is causing global warming in the first place. Shell’s Arctic fleet will be arriving any day now to begin exploratory drilling off the coast of Alaska this summer.”
Jude Law, commenting on the film, said:
“As the Arctic sea ice melts, polar bears are being forced to go far beyond their normal habitat to find food and look after their young. This film is a powerful expression of how our fates are intertwined, because climate change is affecting all of us no matter where we live.”
“Right now a handful of oil companies are trying to carve up the Arctic for the sake of their next quarterly results but a global movement is growing to stop them. I stand with hundreds of thousands of others who think the area should be made into a sanctuary, protected from corporate greed for good.”
Thom Yorke also made a comment:
”We have to stop the oil giants pushing into the Arctic. An oil spill in the Arctic would devastate this region of breathtaking beauty, while burning that oil will only add to the biggest problem we all face, climate change. That’s why I’m backing this campaign.”
If you’d like more information about the Save the Arctic campaign and what you can do to help, please visit
Radiohead, New York, NY 1997. Photo by Danny Clinch
Is anyone still here? After spending some time cleaning the cobwebs, we’re back to bring you the latest Radiohead happenings. We apologize for the radio silence. A mixture of server issues and just being too busy at normal life stuff meant that this site took a back seat.
A lot has happened since we last posted. We celebrated our 15th year on the internet in late March. It’s kind of hard to believe. So much has changed since we began as a small AOL-hosted website. Now we feel old.
Unfortunately, not all has been rosy in Radioheadland over the past few months. On June 16th, Radiohead’s drum technician, Scott Johnson, was killed when scaffolding from the stage collapsed and struck him hours before the band were set to perform at Downsview Park in Toronto. Three others were injured. Phil Selway posted on Dead Air Space that they “have all been shattered by the loss of Scott Johnson, our friend and colleague. He was a lovely man, always positive, supportive and funny; a highly skilled and valued member of our great road crew. We will miss him very much. Our thoughts and love are with Scott’s family and all those close to him.”
This tragic event forced the band to reschedule seven European shows. The new dates are:
Thursday 20th – Switzerland, Canton de Vaud – Quarry of St Triphon
Saturday 22nd – Italy, Roma – Hyppodrome Capanelle – Rock in Roma
Sunday 23rd – Italy, Florence – Parco Delle Cascine
Tuesday 25th – Italy, Bologna – Arena Parco Nord
Wednesday 26th – Italy, Codroipo (Udine) – Villa Manin
Saturday 29th – Germany, Berlin – Wuhlheide (this replaces the 6th July show)
Sunday 30th – Germany, Berlin – Wuhlheide (this replaces the 7th July show)
All original tickets are valid for the re-scheduled date.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Scott’s family.
Radiohead’s third album, OK Computer, celebrates its 15th birthday. It was on July 1, 1997 when the album was released in the United States. It was released on June 16th in the UK, which at the time was complete agony for American fans as this was before music could be bought online as mp3s and more importantly, pirated easily. Your only options were to buy a pricey import CD or go to Canada, which is what I did. I remember driving with friends from New York to Montreal in order to buy the album on June 17th, which is when it was released in Canada. We must have listened to it 10 times on the drive back. Where were you when it was released?
Jack White at Third Man Records. Photo by Jo McCaughey
And finally, another piece of news made Radiohead fans excited and certainly perked our ears. While the band was performing at Bonnaroo in Manchester, Tennessee a few weeks back, Thom Yorke gave a shout out to Jack White. Before playing “Supercollider” Yorke said, “This song is for Jack White. We saw him yesterday. A big thank you to him, but we can’t tell you why. You’ll find out.” A few days later, Mr. White confirmed that the band stopped by his Third Man Records in Nashville but was mum about any details. Very interesting….
After opening their world tour Monday night in Miami, Radiohead hit the road and will be performing at the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida tonight. Are you going? Do you think they will play more new songs? Do you think Thom is looking a bit too much like 1980s Bono? Discuss!
Other Lives will be the supporting act again. Check back here for the setlist after the show.
While we are talking about collaborations, we should mention that Thom and Jonny recently collaborated with DOOM on a track called “Retarded Fren” for a compilation celebrating the 10th anniversary of Lex Records called Complex. The song samples “Proven Lands”, a track Jonny did for the There Will Be Blood score.
If you haven’t seen it, check out the video of Modeselektor’s “Shipwreck” which is one of two songs off their new album, Monkeytown, that Thom Yorke collaborated on. Enjoy.