
Thom Rages at Bush in NME

From NME-
Radiohead’s Thom Yorke is spearheading a growing chorus of protest aimed at US President George Bush?s visit to the UK ? branding him and Tony Blair “liars”.
Bush and a massive entourage came to London this week (November 18) for a rare state visit. Even before he arrived the trip provoked fury, with reports that US security officials wanted to create a three mile ?exclusion zone? around him, effectively shutting down central London and stopping legitimate protesters from getting anywhere near the President.
Angry at what he sees as using the “threat of terrorism to suppress whatever they choose”, Thom Yorke e-mailed NME last week, urging people to protest against the visit.
When asked why he?d chosen to speak out, Thom told NME: “To make Blair squirm over his decision to take us into a illegitimate war (In Iraq) and follow this religious lunatic (Bush) toward a dangerous future for the whole planet.
“Both of these men are liars. We have right to call them such, they are putting our children?s future in jeopardy. They are not controlling the terrorist threat, they are escalating it. Blair will not be allowed off the hook by his pathetic pleading for us to ?move on?, neither shall Bush.”
Thom continued: “(The visit) will be heavily staged I think. I expect they will use the threat of terrorism to suppress whatever they choose, intimidate and arrest whoever they wish. The majority of British people were against this war, and Bush’s visit will just taint Blair even further.”
While in the UK Bush will be staying in Buckingham Palace. Yorke urged the Royal Family to “do something useful” and protest too. He continued: “This is a royal invitation isn’t it? How about one of the little heirs to throne doing something useful with their lives and speaking out? Refusing to shake hands for example? As we are still awaiting the results of the Hutton Inquiry I think now is a good time to remind Blair that he’s on very very very very very very very very thin ice.”
The article continues with further comments from Damon Albarn and Fran Healy (of Travis- playing second fiddle to Radiohead once more?). Read it here.